It’s been a while since I’ve updated except for the U/S results. Colleen found some chorid plexus cysts on the brain when they were doing the U/S. She said nothing to worry about since my downs syndrome test came back negative, but it does increase the odds of being downs syndrome by 1%. My odds were really good to begin with, so I am not worried. Plus, it’s not like I would change anything. IF the baby does have it, oh well. I can handle whatever God feels like I can handle. I just want a healthy baby. I haven’t been very tired lately. I have had energy. Been to aerobics…worked out some….etc…. I’ve even gotten out of bed at 7am nearly every day. Anyways, not too much else to report….just getting bigger by the day. I’m up 25 lbs so far and I’m only in week 21 ! OUCH!