Sunday, April 5, 2009

Interesting Artwork

We were helping Kaylee clean her room tonight. We came across a wonderful, magnificent piece of artwork. We just weren't quite sure what she was drawing. So, Chris shows me this piece of work. I am in her closet trying to hide my laughter. He is laughing out loud and asked her what exactly it was a picture of.

She responded, so matter-of-factly, as if she were saying "Dad, don't you know what that is? DUH!" So positive that we would know what it was....without question.....

"It's a thumbs up" she said.... complete with an eye roll as if she was so offended that we couldn't figure it out on our own....

What were you thinking???? Get your mind out of the gutter!!!!

I'm still laughing.......


Melissa said...

I see maybe a bunny rabbit? Thumbs up, that was creative!

Olivia said...

I'll admit it, thumbs up was my second guess...

Michelle said...

Thumbs up was so far from my mind. And I'm not afraid to say it: I thought it was a one-eyed trouser snake and his junk. ;)