Monday, October 27, 2008

The New and Improved Star Spangled Banner

Kaylee came home from school and says : "Mommy, remember that song that we heard at the airshow this weekend? We sang it at school today!"

I reply....."hhhmmmm, I can't remember, sing it for me"

She begins to sing: "Oh say can you see......."

"......By the darcery door"

I cracked up laughing and remember that it was me who once confused Green Day's lyrics from "Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road" TO........ "Another turnip boy, a fork stuck in the road"

What the hell is a turnip boy anyways?

Thanks to my good friend Chrystee for pointing out how rediculous that actually sounded.....(wink..Love ya Chrystee!) She and Melissa sure got a good laugh about that one!! Glad I could entertain ya, girls!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Shaun does that too Tiffany! Instead of saying "Up above the world so high" for Twinkle, Twinkle, he says, "Up of of the world so high." And then he has the audacity to correct me when I sing it right!

Sheesh, kids. :)