Saturday, August 9, 2008

Recovery! 1 day post-op

10:20am- I got 7 hours of peaceful sleep last night. Stayed at Randy’s, took a shower with his pressure washer shower. LOVED it. Grayson is doing better. Still not eating well, in lots of pain still. About to try and feed him again. Drs’ think he is doing better today. He was watching nature TV when we arrived, it was really cute.

12:46pm- Breastfed Grayson for a few minutes. He latched right on, but didn’t want too much. I think it hurts to swallow from the tracheal tube thingy he had in during the operation. He is in a private room now. Got his oxygen tube taken off, and all his vitals monitors are removed. He only has his IVs in for now and is still on the saline drip until he eats more. They will probably take his bandages off tomorrow. He’s off Morphine, and only on Tylenol now. I get a food tray now too, since I am breastfeeding, and Chris’ president of his company brought us some lunch since he lives nearby. Very appreciative of that.

2:56pm- Grayson has eaten 3 times today so far. We’re about to take a nap since he is sleeping. He still screams anytime his head is moved. I know he’s in a lot of pain, but he is only given Tylenol. But, he’s awake quite a bit and not sleeping the whole day away.

6:25pm- Grayson is eating much better and making improvements at each feeding. He is nursing for about 5-10 minutes, and then I pump out the leftovers (about 2.5-3oz) and he bottle feeds on that. He is wanting to eat about every 2-3 hours. He kicked his foot and tore the tape off his IV so he cried in pain when that happened. Nurse came in and taped it back down, and took out his saline drip. So, he only has the IV leads in, but he is not hooked up to anything anymore. He eats better out of a bottle at the time, because we feed him while he is laying on his pillow. When he nurses, I think it puts too much pressure on his head and he hurts after a few minutes. Plus, it’s more work, and he’s just plain worn out. My supply is hurting a little bit, but I am still getting out more than what he is taking at each feeding, so I’m not upset about it. I’m just keeping up the pumping after each feeding and hoping to get it back to where it was by the time he needs more. I have faith in my body. It hasn’t ever failed me yet with him. He looks so peaceful while he sleeps. I miss my older kids though. I called Mimi's house to talk to them and Brayden informed me that he was playing….playing with what???, I said. His tallywacker…. OMG! BOYS!!!

10:32pm- We're about to head to bed. I just finished nursing Grayson. The nurse helped me get him in a good position without hurting his head. She's wonderful and so helpful!

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